Wsus Patch Management Procedure

We will now see the steps for Installing WSUS for Configuration Manager 2012 R2. WSUS is Microsoft s separate, stand-alone server-based.

Steven Manross has created Windows Server Update Services add-ons in the form of an SQL stored procedure and. vbs / Perl scripts to determine if computers currently show as needing updates.

The SQL stored procedure spSRMCountComputersNeedingUpdates.sql is used in conjunction with the WSUSReport.vbs or scripts to automatically notify an admin via email that there are computers needing Windows Security-related updates.

In step 1, let s add the sql stored procedure on WSUS Database Server and in step 2 we will run the. vbs script scripts to automatically notify WSUS Administrator via email that there are computers needing updates.


Subject: WSUS: There are computers needing updates

Title: 816093: Security Update Microsoft Virtual Machine Microsoft VM

Description: This update helps resolve a vulnerability in the Microsoft virtual machine. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. Once you have installed this item, it cannot be removed.

Server Name s :,,

The. vbs code below requires Outlook CDO components to be installed or some other application that installs the CDO.Message object from the computer running WSUSReport.vbs.

Let s start by adding the following code as a stored procedure spSRMCountComputersNeedingUpdates.sql ;

In SQL Enterprise Manager under instancename Databases SUSDB Stored Procedures.

Right click on the Stored Procedure – click on New Stored Procedure.

Paste the code below – click on Check Syntax and make sure it is successful.


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo. spSRMCountComputersNeedingUpdates   AS

declare computersNeedingUpdates int

declare updatesNeededByComputers int

SELECT computersNeedingUpdates COUNT DISTINCT C.TargetID,

updatesNeededByComputers COUNT DISTINCT U.LocalUpdateID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbUpdateStatusPerComputer AS S WITH INDEX nc3UpdateStatusPerComputer ON U.UpdateID S.UpdateID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbComputerTarget AS C ON C.TargetID S.TargetID

WHERE S.SummarizationState IN 2,3,6


INNER JOIN dbo.tbRevision AS Re ON Re.RevisionID D.RevisionID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbTargetGroup AS tg ON tg.TargetGroupID D.TargetGroupID

WHERE Re.LocalUpdateID U.LocalUpdateID AND

select computersNeedingUpdates as computersNeedingUpdates, updatesNeededByComputers as updatesNeededByComputers

C.FullDomainName as FullDomainName

INNER JOIN dbo.tbPreComputedLocalizedProperty AS PCLP  ON PCLP.UpdateID U.UpdateID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbLanguage as L on L.ShortLanguage PCLP.ShortLanguage

INNER JOIN dbo.tbLanguageInSubscription as LIS on LIS.LanguageID L.LanguageID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbUpdateType AS UT  ON UT.UpdateTypeID U.UpdateTypeID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbUpdateStatusPerComputer AS S ON U.UpdateID S.UpdateID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbTargetInTargetGroup AS TITG ON TITG.TargetID C.TargetID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbTargetGroup AS TG ON TG.TargetGroupID TITG.TargetGroupID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbRevision AS Re ON Re.LocalUpdateID U.LocalUpdateID

LEFT JOIN dbo.tbKBArticleForRevision AS KB ON KB.RevisionID RE.RevisionID

LEFT JOIN dbo.tbSecurityBulletinForRevision AS SB ON SB.RevisionID RE.RevisionID

INNER JOIN dbo.tbMoreInfoURLForRevision AS MI ON MI.RevisionID RE.RevisionID and MI.ShortLanguage L.ShortLanguage

WHERE S.SummarizationState IN 2,3,6   AND

EXISTS SELECT FROM dbo.tbDeployment AS D

case when SB.SecurityBulletinID IS NULL Then None Else convert varchar 15, SB.SecurityBulletinID End as SecurityBulletinID,

MI.MoreInfoURL as MoreInfoURL,

PCLP.Description as UpdateDescription

GROUP BY U.LocalUpdateID,UT.Name,KB.KBArticleID,SB.SecurityBulletinID,MI.MoreInfoURL,PCLP.Title,PCLP.Description

Now save the following. vbs code as WSUSReport.vbs for computers needing updates using the stored procedure above. The following code requires Outlook CDO components to be installed or some other application that installs the CDO.Message object from the computer running WSUSReport.vbs.

Requires the Outlook CDO components to be installed or some other application that installs the CDO.Message object.

smtp_mail_from Some Friendly Name someaddress

smtp_mail_to Recipient Name recipient


Set Conn CreateObject ADODB.Connection

WScript.Echo Failed creating ADODB.Connection object - Err.Description

Conn.CursorLocation adUseClient

Conn.Open DRIVER SQL Server ;SERVER db_server ;APP appname ;DATABASE db ;Trusted_Connection yes;

WScript.Echo Failed opening ADODB.Connection object with DB info- Err.Description

Set Cmd CreateObject ADODB.Command

WScript.Echo Failed creating ADODB.Command object - Err.Description

Cmd.CommandText spSRMCountComputersNeedingUpdates

Cmd.CommandType adCmdStoredProc

WScript.Echo Failed opening ADODB.Recordset object for Command - Err.Description

WScript.Echo Count RS.Fields 0. Value

Set RSUpdates RS.NextRecordSet

WScript.Echo No updates.  Quitting successfully

Loop through all the computers that need updates

Create the dictionary instances.

Set Updates CreateObject Scripting.Dictionary

Updates.CompareMode StringCompare

if Not Updates.Exists RSUpdates.Fields LocalUpdateID. Value Then

Updates.Add RSUpdates.Fields LocalUpdateID. Value, RSUpdates.Fields FullDomainName. Value

Updates.Item RSUpdates.Fields LocalUpdateID. Value Updates.Item RSUpdates.Fields LocalUpdateID. Value , RSUpdates.Fields FullDomainName. Value

strUpdateID RSData.Fields LocalUpdateID. Value

strSrv Updates.Item strUpdateID

strUpdateType RSData.Fields UpdateTypeName. Value

strKBID RSData.Fields KBArticleID. Value

strBulletinID RSData.Fields SecurityBulletinID. Value

strInfoURL RSData.Fields MoreInfoURL. Value

strUpdateTitle RSData.Fields UpdateTitle. Value

strUpdateDesc RSData.Fields UpdateDescription. Value

Type: strUpdateType KB Article: strKBID Bulletin: strBulletinID vbCrlf _

Title: strUpdateTitle vbCrlf _

Description: strUpdateDesc vbCrlf _

More Information: strInfoURL vbCrlf _

Set cdoMessage CreateObject CDO.Message

cdoMessage.Subject WSUS: There are computers needing updates

cdoMessage.From smtp_mail_from

cdoMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item 2

cdoMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item smtp_server

cdoMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item smtp_port


WScript.Echo Error sending CDO Message: Err.Description

Bobbie Harder MSFT has posted a list of Top known issues whilst upgrading WSUS to WSUS SP1 on These issues will be updated in a KB and in the online WSUS SP1 readme.

1.  If you are using a proxy server, in some cases the SP1 upgrade may clear the proxy configuration username and password.  This may cause synchronization of updates from Microsoft Servers to generate an invalid parameter error. To address this issue, reset the proxy configuration username and password and re-synchronize your server.

2. Remote SQL deployments: WSUS SP1 is not updating WSUS servers which are setup using remote SQL deployments.

The WSUS with SP1 setup Package must be run on both the front end and back end servers.

Run the setup package on the front end with no switches and choose to upgrade

Run the setup package on the back end with no switches and choose to upgrade.

3. Changed Machine Name after RTM install prior to SP1 upgrade can cause the WSUS SP1 upgrade to fail.

Use the following script to remove and re-add the ASPNET and WSUS Administrators groups.  Then run the upgrade again.

osql.exe -S computername WSUS -E -Q USE SUSDB DECLARE asplogin

varchar 200 SELECT asplogin name from sysusers WHERE name like ASPNET

EXEC sp_revokedbaccess asplogin

osql.exe -S computername WSUS -E -Q USE SUSDB DECLARE wsusadminslogin

varchar 200 SELECT wsusadminslogin name from sysusers WHERE name like

WSUS Administrators EXEC sp_revokedbaccess wsusadminslogin

varchar 200 SELECT asplogin HOST_NAME ASPNET EXEC sp_grantlogin

asplogin EXEC sp_grantdbaccess asplogin EXEC sp_addrolemember

varchar 200 SELECT wsusadminslogin HOST_NAME WSUS Administrators EXEC

sp_grantlogin wsusadminslogin EXEC sp_grantdbaccess wsusadminslogin EXEC

sp_addrolemember webService, wsusadminslogin

osql.exe -S computername WSUS -E -Q backup database SUSDB to

Note you may have  to replace in the last line with the

path to your actual content store.

a. WSUS SP1 upgrade can fail in some cases when the WMSDE database has been migrated to a  local SQL 2000 server.

A registry key value must be changed in order for WSUS SP1 setup package to recognize there is no wmsde database to update.

If users have migrated WMSDE to a SQL server local or remote they must change the value of the following registry key:

1.HKLM Software Microsoft Update Services Server Setup WmsdeInstalled, from 1 to 0  before attempting to upgrade to WSUS SP1.

According to Bernd Teichert blog reader, In some cases, you might have to change the InstallType too on local SQL 2000 Server installation;

2.HKLM Software Microsoft Update Services Server Setup InstallType from 0x80 to 0x20.

b. WSUS SP1 upgrade can fail in some cases when the WMSDE database has been migrated to a remote SQL 2000 server.

Two registry key values must be changed in order for WSUS sp1 setup package to recognize there is no wmsde database to update and the update must be initiated on the backend, followed by the front end server.

If users have migrated WMSDE to a SQL server local or remote they must change the values of the following registry keys:

After updating these registry key values, initiate upgrade on backend and then on front end servers.

5. How to recover from a failed upgrade to restore your WSUS server to a consistent state and then retry the upgrade.

If the upgrade to WSUS SP1 fails it can leave your WSUS installation in an inconsistent and/or unusable state. In order to retry upgrading to WSUS SP1 you need to get your WSUS installation to a consistent state. To do this you can use the backup database created at the beginning of the upgrade process to restore your WSUS server to a pre-upgrade state.

If the upgrade operation to WSUS SP1 is unsuccessful, you can use the original WSUS backup database that was created at the start of the upgrade process to restore WSUS to a consistent state. In the event of a failed upgrade follow these steps to retry upgrading to WSUS SP1:

To retry upgrading to WSUS SP1;

1.       Determine the location of the backup database by reviewing the contents of the WSUSSetup_ timestamp. log file. This file is located in the following folder – programfiles Update Services LogFiles.

2.       Restore the backup database on the WSUS computer.

osql.exe -S -E -Q USE master ALTER DATABASE



Remember to replace DatabaseInstance and PathToDatabaseBackup with values from your installation.

For DatabaseInstance use the value from the following registry key:

HKLM Software Microsoft Update Services Server Setup SqlServerName

For PathToDatabaseBackup use the value you identified in step 1.

3.       Uninstall WSUS, but keep the WSUS database, log files and update files when you are prompted to remove them i.e. Ensure that all options in Remove Microsoft Windows Server Update Services are unchecked.

4.       Reinstall WSUS RTM the original version not WSUS with SP1. Use the existing database when you are prompted to do this. This will return your WSUS system to a consistent state.

Note that you cannot use the backed up database from step 1 above directly in clean install of WSUS SP1 since the database schema has changed between WSUS RTM and WSUS SP1.

For any issues related to WSUS SP1 upgrade, you can post your queries directly on the following thread on is yet another WSUS Community Web-Site. This site is hosted in German language and I have used Google Translation a free service to translate in English. So here we go in English.

My first pick is Check WSUS version This. vbs script will Check WSUS Client / Windows Update Agent WUA Settings for any computer in the network. When you run this script, it will prompt you to enter Computer Name or IP Address of the machine that you want to check.

A copy of the script is as follows;

Einstellungen für die automatischen Updates

Translated quick and dirty into English Marco Biagini

Set objWshNet CreateObject Wscript.Network

strDefComputer lcase objWshNet.ComputerName

strComputer InputBox Please enter the name or IP address of the Computer that you want to check WSUS settings, Automatic Updates, strDefComputer

strComputer lcase strComputer

strComputer right strComputer, len strComputer -2

Set oReg GetObject winmgmts: impersonationLevel impersonate. strComputer root default:StdRegProv

msgbox Unable to connect to: VBCRLF VBCRLF      strComputer VBCRLF, vbCritical, Communication Error

Resultmsg Results of WUA Settings VBCRLF VBCRLF

strKeyPath Software Policies Microsoft Windows WindowsUpdate AU

If RegValueExists strKeyPath, strValueName Then

oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg GetNoAutoUpdate dwValue VBCRLF VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Automatic Updates are not configured VBCRLF VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg GetUseWUServer dwValue VBCRLF

strKeyPath Software Policies Microsoft Windows WindowsUpdate

oReg.GetStringValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg strValue VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Automatic Updates are not configured VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg   – Client configured to receive Updates from VBCRLF

strKeyPath Software Policies Microsoft Windows WindowsUpdate

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg strValue VBCRLF VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Value not configured VBCRLF VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg GetAUOptions dwValue VBCRLF

strMsg   – Scheduled Install Day:

strKeyPath Software Policies Microsoft Windows WindowsUpdate AU

strValueName ScheduledInstallDay

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg getday dwValue VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Value not configured VBCRLF

strMsg   – Planned Installation Time:

strValueName ScheduledInstallTime

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg dwValue :00 – 24 hours is 4 AM, is 4 PM VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Value is not configured VBCRLF

strMsg   – Benutzerdefinierte Einstellung:

strKeyPath Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion WindowsUpdate Auto Update

strMsg     – ScheduledInstallDay:

strMsg     – ScheduledInstallTime:

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg dwValue :00 VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Not configured VBCRLF

strMsg   – NoAUShutdownOption: 

strValueName NoAUShutdownOption

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg GetNoAUShutdownOption dwValue VBCRLF VBCRLF

strMsg AutoInstallMinorUpdates: 

strValueName AutoInstallMinorUpdates

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates dwValue VBCRLF VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Value is not configured VBCRLF VBCRLF

strValueName DetectionFrequency

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Every dwValue Hours to search for updates VBCRLF

strMsg RebootRelaunchTimeout: 

strValueName RebootRelaunchTimeout

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg dwValue Minutes to wait until system restart VBCRLF

strMsg RebootWarningTimeout: 

strValueName RebootWarningTimeout

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg dwValue Minutes wait until system restart VBCRLF

strMsg NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers: 

strValueName NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg GetNoAutoReboot dwValue VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg   – Default: User will be presented with a 5 minutes countdown VBCRLF

strValueName RescheduleWaitTime

If dwValue 0 Then Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Value not configured: dwValue VBCRLF VBCRLF End If

If dwValue 1 Then Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg dwValue Minute VBCRLF VBCRLF End If

If dwValue 1 and dwValue 61 Then Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg dwValue Minutes VBCRLF VBCRLF End If

If dwValue 60 Then Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Invalid Value dwValue VBCRLF VBCRLF End If

Resultmsg Resultmsg strMsg Not Configured VBCRLF VBCRLF

Resultmsg Resultmsg VBCRLF Die Infoseite zu Windows Server Updates Services

Function GetNoAutoUpdate Index

Case 0 GetNoAutoUpdate 0 – Auto Update applied by GPO

Case 1 GetNoAutoUpdate 1 – No Auto Update is applied by GPO

Case Else GetNoAutoUpdate Invalid Entry

Case 0 GetUseWUServer 0 – Client is configured to receive updates from

Case 1 GetUseWUServer 1 – Client is configured to receive updates from your WSUS Server

Case Else GetUseWUServer Invalid Entry

Case Else GetDay Invalid Entry

Case 1 GetAUOptions 1 – Deaktiviert in den Benutzereinstellungen

Case 2 GetAUOptions 2 – Notify before download and Install.

Case 3 GetAUOptions 3 – Autom. Download, notify before installation.

Case 4 GetAUOptions 4 – Autom. Download, install according to GPO settings.

Case 5 GetAUOptions 5 – Allow Local Administator installation and manual configuration.

case Else GetAUOptions Invalid Entry

Function GetNoAUShutdownOption Index

Case 0 GetNoAUShutdownOption 0 – Updates are being installed and system will be restarted user ill be notified

Case 1 GetNoAUShutdownOption 1 – Updates are being installed and system will be restarted user will NOT be notified

Case Else GetNoAUShutdownOption Invalid Entry

Function GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates Index

Case 0 GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates 0 – Automatic updates are not immediately installed

Case 1 GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates 1 – Automatic updates are immediately installed

Case Else GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates Invalid Entry

Function GetNoAutoReboot Index

Case 0 GetNoAutoReboot 0 – User Countdown of 5 Minutes

Case 1 GetNoAutoReboot 1 – User will be notified before a system restart

case Else GetNoAutoReboot Invalid Entry

Function RegValueExists sRegKey, sRegValue

sRegValue LCase Trim sRegValue

If oReg.EnumValues HKLM, sRegKey, aValueNames, aValueTypes 0 Then

If Not IsNull aValueNames Then

If LCase aValueNames i sRegValue Then

Translated version of http–

en sl de u prev /search 3Fq 26hl 3Den 26lr 3D 26safe 3Dactive

View Original Web Page in german language

PatchAholic…The WSUS Blog! | Just another Microsoft MVPs site

Read the step-by-step instructions written by an IT pro in the how to: WSUS GPO Settings for the real world.

I ve always heard that WSUS was something you set and forget, but I guess you are mostly referring to the database and not the WSUS Console so much.

TechNet Blogs Microsoft WSUS and Software Update Team Blog How to move WSUS from one server to another.

On Tuesday, November 28, 2006, Rights Management Services Client with Service Pack 2 KB917275 was downloaded by WSUS Server as classified under Service.

Patch management with GFI LanGuard and Microsoft WSUS 3 Introduction Patch management is an essential network administration task. It consists of scanning.